Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

German (wannabe) french Beute-ambulance (1/65)

This is actually a transporter built in former East Germany during the 50/60'ies.
It is based on the DKW F8 built in Germany during the 30'ies and 40'ies.

I want it to look like a generic french lorry (maybe Peugeot or Citroen) used as a Beutefahrzeug by the German army in the Normandy 1944.

It is a cheap die-cast model by a German brewery company. Roughly 1/65 scale but can be used for 1/72 I think. I used this to practice a bit with my airbrush.

Windows and chrome parts are masked with Tamiya tape.

Black undercoat

Painted dunkelgelb with brown and green camo. The crosses are painted with the airbrush but I'm not happy with them as they are not aligned properly. I should have used decals instead. No washing and highlighting yet.

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